hellojed (3)


2024 In Videogames

In 2024 I got laid off, and therefore had more time for games. I played games for research, and then started playing games for fun. I dusted off my PS4 and got Gran Turismo 7 working. I dusted off my Xbox 360. I played a…

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One Year of Gay Bars

Coming out of the closet in your mid 30s is a bit like watching the end of Steven Universe and then looking back at the previous seasons - all the signs were there - some more blatant than others - you just didn't notice them…

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Test Post Don't Ignore

How do you start blogging again? After decades of microblogging on twitter, mastodon, and now Bluesky. There was tumblr and then Cohost (rip). Once you get over the idea that nobody's going to really see this stuff and the possibility of going viral is minimal,…

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